Short term loans for self employed - Meant for your critical needs

26/12/2012 10:33

As there is no guarantee of permanent employment and you may be forced to leave the job due to various factors, which may be either due to market failure, economic break down, excessive debts on the company, negative turn over or the reason may be that you messed up with your boss and due to which you were fired and thrown out of employment.  If you are a smart employee you may not undertake the risk and plan before hand for the crisis which may incur at any part of your life. A-kasse Unemployment funds are very beneficial for the employees, as they may help you at the time of catastrophe and you may use this money to carry out your normal day to day operations.

Unemployment funds schemes vary for the persons who work on regular monthly salary and for the ones who are self employed. As it is quite easier for monthly salaried ones to join these funds as the can pay the installments regularly, but the ones who are self employed do not get any regular monthly income, such type of people can avail for A-kasse which provide you the option of paying the installment according to convenience. You can also avail for A-kasse even after you are fired from the job but it would be better if you avail for it before hand so you may avoid getting into trouble and run a month without salary. There are several factors to disqualify you for the collecting unemployment benefits.  If you are quitting your job without any cause then you are not eligible to claim the benefits.